Friday, June 15, 2007

Exercising when sick?

The last three days I have been feeling generally crappy. Stuffed then running rose, sore throat, kinda achy, watering eyes, etc. (Sounds like so much fun, I know you want to come over and nurse me back to health.) The debate in my mind is whether or not to go on a group hike tomorrow that I've been looking forward to for weeks at Pt. Reyes.

Knowing this hike was coming, I didn't work out Wednesday or Thursday and doubt I'm going to make it today since the walk to the mailbox nearly did me in. The logical part of me says, uh,! You are actually sick, which rarely happens. The other part of me is itching to get out there and feel the ocean breeze and push myself a bit. Here's the game plan. I'm going to go to bed super early tonight and see how I feel when I wake up, but with the mind set that I want to do this hike and may need to push myself a bit. I wonder how this is going to go.

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