Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hiking the "Y"

Reacting to stress with food is my first instinct. Last night I had a bit of a binge with 16 points worth of ice cream and chips. But I counted points, journaled it and am within my allowances for the week. So I'm cool with it. I'm in a bit of a negative place emotionally right now - trying to reconcile that I may very well indeed not ever acheive my seceret life goal of being a wife and Mom.

Instead, I'm going to think about how cool I am. For example, I hiked the Y in 27 minutes! Holla. Freshman year in college, it took me an hour and a half. Take that, mountain. Plus, I kept waiting for it to get hard so I was conserving energy and not running. Well, no need, it stayed pretty easy. All that stair climber and hiking prepping for half-dome is paying off for my self-esteem. :-)

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