Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Leona Heights Park

One trail that I love to go for a quick run/hike is the York Trail, at Leona Heights Park by Leona Lodge in Oakland. It's short, maybe roundtrip 3 miles, good elevation change, close to home and perfect for a quick (I'm working up to running the whole thing) workout. Did it yesterday, ran less, coughed more, but it was good to be doing something!

The sad part of the story is that in the past few weeks a lot of graffiti has started showing up on the beautiful rocks, along with trash, bottles, etc. So I pick up trash on my way out and try to ignore the spray paint. It makes me sad that others want to ruin a beautiful place. I'm calling tomorrow to see if there is anything I can do to help, not that I can really run off kids with spray paint cans....but maybe we can organize a neighborhood clean-up/awareness project. It's not cool to ruin my favorite park!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it safe to walk the trails alone during the day?