Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yes, I said "Fat"

I used to be fat. I'm not just some girl who thought she was fat. At my high weight, in January 2005, I weighed 281 pounds. And at 5'9", that's fat. I was fat from elementary school on. It used to scare me to say I was fat, but it is what it is. It was unhealthy. I didn't like that I couldn't do things other kids my age were doing. Now, I wasn't some unhappy, awkward fat girl who thought life was terrible - I was extremely happy and had many friends. I was just fat.

Something shifted in me when I started my career. I couldn't do it - I was exhausted all of the time from crazy work hours and stress eating like no one's business. I decided that being fat had to go. I wasn't being fair to myself. I wanted more out of life. So I joined WW, lost 60 pounds. Stopped going. Gained 10 pounds - freaked out. Joined WW again and lost another 50 pounds. Today's weigh-in: 183. I can taste it, 2 more to my 100 pound mark.

I am a reformed fat chick. I will struggle my entire life with my weight.

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