Friday, August 10, 2007

Vegas and destressing

WOO HOO, the work insanity is finally coming to a normal level!!! Spent the last week in Vegas for work and had a really fun/manic time. Lots of restaurants to review in Mandalay Bay over the next few days (inlcuding a 4 diamond rated one! YUM!) , lots of gym time to make-up, although three days on 4 inch heels in a conference center should count for something and roller coasters to discuss and well as many, many NSV's!

Top three Vegas Non Scale Victories:

1. Eating good food and not freaking out that I wasn't tracking. (a peek at the scale shows I'm up 2 pounds, but will weigh in officially in the morning)
2. Being able to cross my legs in my window seat of a full flight and not be using anyone else's space!
3. Fitting in the rollercoasters without any problems!

I love being almost normal in weight for so many reasons.

1 comment:

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Good luck at the official weigh-in. May the lightness be with you..