Friday, July 27, 2007


So I find I react to stress in two ways. 1. I eat everything in sight. 2. I forget to eat. Work has me SUPER SUPER stressed right now. I knew I'd have a month of stress, so for weeks one and most of two - I ate. Everything and anything. I felt so sick and not in control. 6 pounds later, I decided this had to stop.

On Wednesday, a switch went off and I went to mode two. I forget to eat and it's suddenly it's 5:30 pm and I've had waffles and some water. I am making an effort to control how I react to the stress. I am eating regularly and the right things. I am going to the gym (since by the time I get to working out it's dark!) for now. I want to hit the trails again, but am happy that I'm reacting in a healthy way. (And those 6 pounds are almost gone, that ended up being mostly water weight from *that* time of the month)

I'm going to break into the 170's soon. And when I do, present time. Must think of a present I want.


Amy@RunnersLounge said...

I have the same reaction -- EAT! I once took on about 8 pounds in a week and then felt completely miserable. Hope the stress lightens up a bit.

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

I find that if I skip a meal, I somehow get cravings to make up for it. Can't outsmart the brain or the stomach.

Crystal said...
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Crystal said...

You pretty much mirrored my last month...foodwise and stresswise.

I know I put on weight this month and I've been too nervous to go near the scale. Now that Vegas is behind me though, no excuses. My father's recent 6-way bypass is a wakeup call I can't ignore.

I have to tell you that you are such the work and in this. Seeing you skinny, I couldn't imagine you as heavy at all--if there is anything huge about you now it's how inspirational you are!!!!!!!

Simply put, YOU ROCK!