Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Yesterday I tried a new trail with my roommate and we got completely off track. I love exploring new trails, but night was upon us, so we asked a jovial looking fellow where we might be in the park. Let's just say we were about 2 miles off. But this good samarian, Sal, actually hiked with us back to the car. Connecting with others in the community is something I love about hiking. Sal told us about some fun restaurants in the area to check out and we all had a good laugh about our navigation skills.

After the unexpectedly long hike, I was craving meat, so my roommate and I went to In and Out for a a protien style burger (no worries, I stayed within points.) One of my favorite things about losing weight is no one stares at you in restaurants when you eat a burger like there is no tomorrow. Or at restaurants when you eat in general.

I weigh-in today. After about 25 miles of running/hiking last week, I'm expecting a decent weigh-in. Instead of having pizza with the office for the Fourth, I'm going to go to Weight Watchers and eat the lunch I brought. I think I'm on a weight loss high.

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